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Newly single and hitting Vancouver…

Tag Archives: Rad Dates


You know that nagging piece of guilt in the pit of your stomach when something is left undone?  Catching up on my blog is such an example, especially because I completed date #49 last Friday*.

*Technically, I may not be at 49.  I missed quite a few dates while “in a relationships” with Hard Drive and I also duplicated a few dates like dog walks at Trout Lake and walks on the seawall.  Nevertheless, we’ll celebrate it now.

Here is an update on my trysts; a play by play in twitter-size bites, 140 characters or less.  Fun for you, easy for me.

@Beaker Fun times but you dropped off the face of Vancouver and I thought I was out of your league. #shameonme #dates1&3

@Captain Tested the waters and divulged my blogging intentions. #fail #date2

@TheDuke You didn’t call. I didn’t care. #date4

@CatHat You wear your cat on your head. #nuffsaid #date5

@Tats You’re so sane and sketchy at the same time. You STILL romance me with flowers, sweet nothings and photos but WE HAVE NEVER MET. #wtf

@SilverFox Yo mama’s so old, she knew Mr. Clean when he had an afro… and other jokes #date6&11

@Beancounter This tweet is as void as our chemistry. #date7

@Mohawk Too bad you ran into your ex on eHarmony and got back together. #youwinsomeyoulosesome #date6

@SpinachInSeattle You drove from Seattle. #wasteoftime #brushyourteethalready #date9

@Flanker The food was the best part. Plan time between dentists and dates dumbass. #frozenface #date10

@Tequila Sometimes chemistry is freakin’ ridiculous #IthinkImdatingadrugdealer #hangmyheadinshame #dates12&13&14

@Hybrid Good things come to those who wait. Not in this case. #nofireworks #date15

@Fromage Your sexy texts made me barf in my mouth. Sorry I crushed you. #date16

@TwoStep Some friends don’t need benefits. Glad we’re still connected. #date17&25

@ImKindOfABigDeal So happy we met. You’re my escape. ❤

@OldSchool Was this even a date? #date18

@HardDrive Love that we still hang out and laugh. You’re so cute. #relationship #dates19&21&22&24&26

@Sunshine You were a total DB and I was stuck at your house without a ferry to get home. #lessonlearned #date20

@Pilot I’m so sorry the girl who got away from you ended up being one of my best friends. #awkward #laughedtillIpeed #date23&28&29&30&31&32&35

@GreenGiant Our convos make me happy and your beard smells like home. Happy we clicked. #funtimes #campingbuddy #date25&27&34

@TurkishDelight Sorry I didn’t want to see you again. Kidding, I’m not. #date33

@ToothFairy Fun paddling but limited chemistry. #dontdateadentist #date36

@EnglishMuffin Not turned on by your flowing locks and attempts at putting your arm around me while cycling. #seriously #date37

@MrIntense Too much cuckoo for this girl; mental medical history on a first date. #TMI #date39

@Woody Wood have liked a second date. #toobad4me #date40

@FancyPants Good till you started an argument to see if I fought fair. #movienight #argofuckyourself #dates41&42&43&44

@Manboy #thenakedman doesn’t work.  Kindly quit texting me transvestite videos, thanks. #HIMYM #dates45&47

@Sick&Twisted Medical professional with head of perfectly crazy curly hair. #brokemyheartonthefirstdate #date46

@Familiar Friends first works for me.  Maybe more later? #fingerscrossed #date48&49

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